New this week 22nd August 2017
Lots of new stuff going on at Olganna HQ at the moment. Aprons for chefs big and small and hats to top off the look.
We have surprise boxes on the way too. I'm actually so nervous as I get the products together, there are things I've not thought of and I only hope each month is not like this! I'm sure I'll get used to it and improve my planning by 100% !
But greatest news this week is that I'm being stocked in another shop. A new shop is Glossop is opening and I've taken a full display - contracted for a year! It's a massive deal as that's a huge outlay for me each month. Confident though as it's a great location, fab crafter who runs it and I'm surrounded by high quality goods.
So today I've been in and stocked up ready for the big launch on 2nd Sept.
Here are some pics of the display I created today.