Olganna Brand Values
I’m bringing back the regular blogs to the website, so I hope you’ll join me to learn a bit more about my growing business, Olganna, and a bit more about the creator behind the brand, that’s me Helen!
I love fabric, textiles and sewing. I’ve used it to create from childhood. Losing myself in a load of fabric and a sewing machine is my absolute pleasure!! Whether it be cross stitch, hand and machine embroidery, batik or manipulating fabrics, I love it all.
Olganna started when I developed a make-up wrap and using the off cuts from that the range grew. I have sold at craft fairs, in shops and online for 10 years now. Time flies when you’re having fun!
My brand reflects my PERSONALITY. Friendly, confident, and positive. Of course, I have down days but even if I express those moods, I like to pop a positive spin on it. Here are some other values behind my brand -
REUSE packaging – because we just should!! Our packaging is cardboard and if we have to use bubble wrap or filling it’s just a case of use whatever is around. We reuse larger boxes where possible and even have a sticker for it!
PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT – Olganna products are not just made – they are developed to make them the best they can be. I have a background in quality assurance, and this shows in every single item.
PURPOSEFUL GIFTING – Olganna products are what I would like for myself, things I use – created by me, for me. They are gorgeous, functional, long lasting and useful!
I love the quote 'Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be beautiful or believe to be useful' - William Morris.
This for me sums up my brand values for Olganna. I hope you enjoyed reading, look out for more blogs soon!
Helen x