Back Yard Jollies - Day 9
Today the water in the pool needs changing - it's slimy. Erggh! It looks clear until I have a dip and disturb what has settled. Errgh! I need a shower! This is the not so sexy side of having a pool. There are gallons of water everywhere and I struggle with my zoflora and a cloth to wipe it all down. It's hard work. Might be time to buy a filter.
And washing! Another job I've neglected during this week is washing. You know when you come back off your relaxing holiday with a ton of washing and your house looks a mess for days trying to sort it all out. Well I am here now. I think I've declared the holiday over.
I think I am just getting a bit bored. And my waistline is suffering from sitting around all day.
Between washes I chill with my beer and a book. Soaking up the sun just incase it goes away and we don't see it again for a bit - I am still mega impressed we've seen so much of it and my legs do have a touch of colour!
This evening I decide to have a lazy one and not get dressed up and shove a couple of pizzas in the oven. Full disclosure - the sunset picture is from a couple of days ago.
I feel like we are coming home tomorrow. :-(
But I cannot wait to leave this place!
I've spent a long time today trying to get a fabulous picture of a butterfly and bee enjoying my lavender. After wasting far too much time on this, these were the best I got. A wildlife photographer I am not!
DAY 1 - https://www.olganna.com/blogs/news/holiday-plans-thwarted-by-corona-make-the-best-of-it
DAY 8 - https://www.olganna.com/blogs/news/day-8
I would make a COVID-19 joke, but it would be tasteless